Living la vida Rico
Puerto Rico is truly un isla de encantos! It offers a natural and welcoming spirit and vibe that is easy to enjoy.
I like sitting at the small bluff overlooking the beach and ocean waves.

I had been seeing tons of coconuts all along the beach many of which had an end cut open. Was not sure how that was happening. Until…
Along comes an agile fellow who climbs and cuts down coconuts.
So, that’s about as fresh as you can get!
Then this happened…
Gloria came out to say hello as I was sitting under the palm tree. She smiled at me but then suddenly looked panicked and with the utmost seriousness in her voice exclaimed, oh my God, Kelly, DON’T MOVE!! Aghast, Gloria stared at something on my upper chest and then, with timing, precision and in an act of true friendship, quickly reached over and swatted off of me the largest spider she’s seen in a long time. 😳
It was alarmingly large when I saw it get flicked off my chest. But I flinched and it landed on my shirt sleeve. Short sleeves, mind you, so that’s when I pretty much launched out of the chair I was sitting in and frantically shook off like a wet dog to get that thing off of me. I pulled off my shirt and shook the hell out of it and then used it to swat my chest, stomach, back and all sides free of a monster spider. It must’ve made a wonderfully funny meme.
After calming down, I realized that the spider must’ve come down with the coconuts and debris and landed on my chest. Lesson learned of a Puerto Rican adage: he who stand under coconut tree is nuts.
So now I am increasing my alcohol intake so that it can help protect me from any venomous bites.
So everything is good here. Just thought I’d catch you up! Cheers!

Ok I would have passed out if that had been me! Gloria is a GOOD friend because I think I would just stand there screaming 😱. Looks beautiful minus the visual I have of a giant spider! 🤮
It was a quite a surprise for the spider too I’m sure!
Enjoy your time away! the beach looks like you’re on a deserted island (except for those spiders)
Hi Janet! Thanks for enjoying my visit to Puerto Rico with me!